How social media can help you in Customer Service!
This time another post on Social Media but from a different point of view – Sales & Marketing people this post is for you that how you can help your customers via social media. As discussed previously that Social Media is growing everyday both in communication and in number of users. Daily there are people who are talking about products and services offered by different company on various social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook or simply related Forums. Customers are even giving review of the products or complaints about the features or services.
I personally feel before buying any product to research on social networking website about their review so that I may not end up buying bad product. As we all know customer is one of the most important part of any organization they are the actually revenue generator for the growth of your business. Today we will learn how social media can help you in managing your customer service and support.
Advantages of using Social Media for Customer Support:
Quick Response : Social media sites such as forums or simply the facebook fan page allows your customer to post their queries, the first duty lies here is to respond them quickly which can increase the Customer satisfaction.
Co – ordination: social media allows you to have a proper co-ordination with your support team. Apart from that there are other users also who help in case there are some issues customer is facing with the product.
Support: With social Media channels you can quickly communicate with your clients and support them timely. Therefore they talk to you as if they are talking in front of you, which help in reducing the customer queries.
Pre Purchase Review: Social media helps in providing proper reviews of the products which customer would like to purchase therefore this minimize the complaints also since they already experience the product from other people.
Better than other communication tools: Days are going where email or telephone was the primary source of getting support for the queries, since they were time consuming. There fore social media is now getting more and more powerful in customer relationship management.
Therefore you can use social media for supporting your customers and their queries, Create facebook pages, or twitter account which will boost the experience of buying from your organization
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